Автошкола "Кадиллак"
p align="left">Кнопка “Внести в базу данных!”:Private Sub bt_add_Click() On Error GoTo erin: If ed_surname.Text <> "" And ed_name.Text <> "" And ed_patron.Text <> "" And ed_birth.Text <> "" And ed_str.Text <> "" And ed_home.Text <> "" And ed_room.Text <> "" And ed_who.Text <> "" And ed_date.Text <> "" And ed_ser.Text <> "" And ed_num.Text <> "" And Val(ed_home.Text) <> 0 And Val(ed_room.Text) <> 0 And Val(ed_ser.Text) <> 0 And Val(ed_num.Text) <> 0 And Val(ed_birth.Text) <> 0 And Val(ed_date.Text) <> 0 And ed_birth.Text = CDate(ed_birth.Text) And ed_date.Text = CDate(ed_date.Text) Then Dim all As Integer Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 1) = Val(Sheets("База").Cells(all, 1)) + 1 Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 2) = AddClientForm.ed_surname.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 3) = AddClientForm.ed_name.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 4) = AddClientForm.ed_patron.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 5) = CDate(AddClientForm.ed_birth.Text) Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 6) = AddClientForm.ed_who.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 7) = CDate(AddClientForm.ed_date.Text) Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 8) = AddClientForm.ed_ser.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 9) = AddClientForm.ed_num.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 10) = AddClientForm.ed_str.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 11) = AddClientForm.ed_home.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 12) = AddClientForm.ed_room.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 13) = AddClientForm.ed_phone.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 14) = AddClientForm.ed_mobile.Text Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 15) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 16) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 17) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 18) = AddClientForm.cb_car.Value Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 19) = AddClientForm.cb_teacher.Value Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 20) = 0 Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 21) = 0 Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 23) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 24) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 25) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 26) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 27) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 28) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(all + 1, 29) = "Ожидает" x = MsgBox("Клиент успешно занесен в базу данных", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") AddClientForm.Hide ClientForm.Show (0) Else erin: x = MsgBox("Проверьте правильность введеных значений", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") End If End Sub Кнопка “Закрыть”: Private Sub bt_exit_Click() AddClientForm.Hide ClientForm.Show (0) End Sub Список “Автомобиль”: Private Sub cb_car_Change() Sheets("Данные").Activate cb_teacher.Clear For i = 2 To 10 If Sheets("Данные").Cells(i, 4) = cb_car.Value Then cb_teacher.AddItem Sheets("Данные").Cells(i, 3) Next i cb_teacher.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Поле “Дом”: Private Sub ed_home_Change() ed_home.Text = Val(ed_home.Text) End Sub Поле “Сотовый”: Private Sub ed_mobile_Change() ed_mobile.Text = Val(ed_mobile.Text) End Sub Поле “Номер”: Private Sub ed_num_Change() ed_num.Text = Val(ed_num.Text) End Sub Поле “Дом. телефон”: Private Sub ed_phone_Change() ed_phone.Text = Val(ed_phone.Text) End Sub Поле “Квартира”: Private Sub ed_room_Change() ed_room.Text = Val(ed_room.Text) End Sub Поле “Серия”: Private Sub ed_ser_Change() ed_ser.Text = Val(ed_ser.Text) End Sub Активация формы: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ed_surname.Text = "" ed_name.Text = "" ed_patron.Text = "" ed_birth.Text = "" ed_who.Text = "" ed_date.Text = "" ed_ser.Text = "" ed_num.Text = "" ed_str.Text = "" ed_home.Text = "" ed_room.Text = "" ed_phone.Text = "" ed_mobile.Text = "" End Sub Инициализация формы: Private Sub UserForm_Initialize() Sheets("Данные").Activate cb_car.ListIndex = 0 cb_teacher.Clear cb_teacher.AddItem Cells(4, 3) cb_teacher.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Завершение работы формы: Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() AddClientForm.Hide ClientForm.Show (0) End Sub 5.7 Форма “Формирование бланка оплаты”Кнопка “Закрыть”: Private Sub bt_exit_Click() PayForm.Hide ClientForm.Show (0) End Sub Кнопка “Сформировать бланк”: Private Sub bt_makeblank_Click() If (ed_datepay.Text = CDate(ed_datepay.Text)) And cb_whopay.Text <> "" And ed_money.Value <> "" And ed_money.Value <> 0 Then Sheets("Оплата").Activate Sheets("Оплата").Range("B5").Value = cb_whopay.Value Sheets("Оплата").Range("C8").Value = ed_datepay.Text Sheets("Оплата").Range("C9").Value = ed_money.Text & " руб." PayForm.Hide Sheets("Оплата").Visible = True Else x = MsgBox("Проверьте правильность введеных значений", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") End If End Sub Кнопка “Подтвердить оплату”: Private Sub bt_pay_Click() If (ed_datepay.Text = CDate(ed_datepay.Text)) And cb_whopay.Text <> "" And ed_money.Value <> "" And ed_money.Value <> 0 Then Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) <> "Окончил" And (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) = cb_whopay.Text Then Cells(i, 21) = Val(Cells(i, 21)) + ed_money.Value Next i y = MsgBox("Оплата внесена!", vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") Else x = MsgBox("Проверьте правильность введеных значений", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") End If End Sub Поле “Сумма платежа (руб.)”: Private Sub ed_money_Change() ed_money.Value = Val(ed_money.Value) End Sub Активация формы: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() cb_whopay.Clear ed_money.Value = "" Dim x As Integer x = 0 ed_datepay.Text = Date Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) <> "Окончил" Then cb_whopay.AddItem (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) x = x + 1 End If Next i If x = 0 Then y = MsgBox("Текущая группа пуста!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") PayForm.Hide ClientForm.Show (0) Else cb_whopay.ListIndex = 0 End If End Sub Завершение работы формы: Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() PayForm.Hide ClientForm.Show (0) End Sub 5.8 Форма “Допуски”Процедура (обновление активности): Sub endis() level_1.Enabled = True level_2.Enabled = True level_3.Enabled = True If cb_able.Value = True And cb_pdd.Value = True And cb_help.Value = True And Val(desc_howmuchdrive.Text) >= Sheets("Данные").Range("L4") And Val(desc_howmuchpay.Caption) >= Sheets("Данные").Range("L2") Then level_1.Enabled = False If cb_insidepdd.Value = True And cb_insidedrive.Value = True And cb_insidegorod.Value = True Then level_2.Enabled = False Else level_3.Enabled = False End If Else level_2.Enabled = False level_3.Enabled = False End If End Sub Кнопка “Выйти”: Private Sub bt_exit_Click() WayForm.Hide ClientForm.Show (0) End Sub Кнопка “Сохранить”: Private Sub bt_save_Click() Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If ComboBox1.Text = (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) = "Обучаемый" Then If cb_able.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) = "Нет" If cb_pdd.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) = "Нет" If cb_help.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) = "Нет" If cb_insidepdd.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) = "Нет" If cb_insidedrive.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) = "Нет" If cb_insidegorod.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) = "Нет" If cb_gaipdd.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) = "Нет" If cb_gaidrive.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) = "Нет" If cb_gaigorod.Value = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) = "Да" Else Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) = "Нет" Sheets("База").Cells(i, 20) = desc_howmuchdrive.Text End If Next i End Sub Элементы типа Checkbox: Private Sub cb_able_Click() Call endis End Sub Private Sub cb_help_Click() Call endis End Sub Private Sub cb_insidedrive_Click() Call endis End Sub Private Sub cb_insidegorod_Click() Call endis End Sub Private Sub cb_insidepdd_Click() Call endis End Sub Private Sub cb_pdd_Click() Call endis End Sub Список “Клиент”: Private Sub ComboBox1_Change() Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If ComboBox1.Text = (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) = "Обучаемый" Then cb_able.Value = False cb_pdd.Value = False cb_help.Value = False cb_insidepdd.Value = False cb_insidedrive.Value = False cb_insidegorod.Value = False cb_gaipdd.Value = False cb_gaidrive.Value = False cb_gaigorod.Value = False level_1.Enabled = True level_2.Enabled = True level_3.Enabled = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) = "Да" Then cb_able.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) = "Да" Then cb_pdd.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) = "Да" Then cb_help.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) = "Да" Then cb_insidepdd.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) = "Да" Then cb_insidedrive.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) = "Да" Then cb_insidegorod.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) = "Да" Then cb_gaipdd.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) = "Да" Then cb_gaidrive.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) = "Да" Then cb_gaigorod.Value = True desc_howmuchdrive.Text = Val(Cells(i, 20)) desc_howmuchpay.Caption = Val(Cells(i, 21)) Sheets("Данные").Activate Call endis End If Next i End Sub Поле “Откатано часов”: Private Sub desc_howmuchdrive_Change() desc_howmuchdrive.Text = Val(desc_howmuchdrive.Text) Call endis End Sub Активация формы: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Dim first, hod As Integer hod = 0 first = 0 ComboBox1.Clear cb_able.Value = False cb_pdd.Value = False cb_help.Value = False cb_insidepdd.Value = False cb_insidedrive.Value = False cb_insidegorod.Value = False cb_gaipdd.Value = False cb_gaidrive.Value = False cb_gaigorod.Value = False level_1.Enabled = True level_2.Enabled = True level_3.Enabled = True Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) = "Обучаемый" Then hod = hod + 1 If hod = 1 Then first = i ComboBox1.AddItem (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) End If Next i If first <> 0 Then i = first If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) = "Да" Then cb_able.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) = "Да" Then cb_pdd.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) = "Да" Then cb_help.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) = "Да" Then cb_insidepdd.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) = "Да" Then cb_insidedrive.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) = "Да" Then cb_insidegorod.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) = "Да" Then cb_gaipdd.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) = "Да" Then cb_gaidrive.Value = True If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) = "Да" Then cb_gaigorod.Value = True desc_howmuchdrive.Text = Val(Sheets("База").Cells(i, 20)) desc_howmuchpay.Caption = Val(Sheets("База").Cells(i, 21)) Sheets("Данные").Activate Call endis ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 Else y = MsgBox("Текущая группа пуста!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") WayForm.Hide ClientForm.Show (0) End If End Sub Завершение работы формы: Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() ClientForm.Show (0) End Sub 5.9 Форма “Информация о клиенте”Кнопка “ОК”: Private Sub bt_ok_Click() If ComboBox1.Text <> "" Then Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If ComboBox1.Text = (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) Then Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B3") = ComboBox1.Text Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B4") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 5) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B5") = "№ " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 8) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 9) & " выдан " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 6) & ", " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 7) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B6") = "ул. " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 10) & ", " & "дом " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 11) & ", кв. " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 12) If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 13) <> "" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 14) <> "" Then Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B7") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 13) & " ; " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 14) Else Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B7") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 13) & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 14) End If Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D3") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 19) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D4") = Sheets("Данные").Range("H2") Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D5") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 18) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D6") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 21) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D7") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 20) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B9") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 17) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B10") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 15) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("B11") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 16) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D9") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 23) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D10") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 24) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D11") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 25) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("A14") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 26) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("C14") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 27) Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Range("D14") = Sheets("База").Cells(i, 28) End If Next i SelectForm.Hide Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Activate Sheets("Клиент-Отчет").Visible = True Else x = MsgBox("Нет клиентов в этой категории!", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") End If End Sub Список “Статус”: Private Sub ComboBox2_Change() Dim hod As Integer hod = 0 ComboBox1.Clear Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count status = ComboBox2.Text For i = 2 To all If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 29) = status Then hod = hod + 1 If hod = 1 Then first = i ComboBox1.AddItem (Sheets("База").Cells(i, 2) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 3) & " " & Sheets("База").Cells(i, 4)) End If Next i If hod <> 0 Then ComboBox1.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Активизация формы: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() ComboBox1.Clear ComboBox2.Clear ComboBox2.AddItem ("Ожидает") ComboBox2.AddItem ("Обучаемый") ComboBox2.AddItem ("Окончил") ComboBox2.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Завершение работы формы: Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() ClientForm.Show (0) End Sub 5.10 Форма “Статистика сдачи”Кнопка “Быстрый отчет”: Private Sub bt_filter_Click() Dim ins1, ins2, ins3, gai1, gai2, gai3, fins, fgai As Integer ins1 = 0 ins2 = 0 ins3 = 0 gai1 = 0 gai2 = 0 gai3 = 0 Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 36).Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select Selection.Clear Sheets("База").Cells(2, 31) = "" Sheets("База").Cells(2, 32) = "" Sheets("База").Cells(2, 33) = "" Sheets("База").Cells(2, 34) = "" If cb_stat.Text = "Любой" Then Sheets("База").Cells(2, 31) = "" Else Sheets("База").Cells(2, 31) = cb_stat.Text If CheckBox1 = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(2, 32) = ">=" & CDate("1.1." & ed_year.Text) Sheets("База").Cells(2, 33) = "<" & CDate("1.1." & Val(ed_year.Text) + 1) End If If cb_car.Text = "Любой" Then Sheets("База").Cells(2, 34) = "" Else Sheets("База").Cells(2, 34) = cb_car.Text Sheets("База").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(all, 29)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Sheets("База").Range( _ "AE1:AH2"), CopyToRange:=Sheets("База").Range("AJ1"), Unique:=False If CheckBox1.Value = True Then y = ed_year.Text Else y = "Любой" Sheets("База").Cells(1, 36).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 58) = "Да" Then ins1 = ins1 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 59) = "Да" Then ins2 = ins2 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 60) = "Да" Then ins3 = ins3 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 58) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 59) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 60) = "Да" Then fins = fins + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 61) = "Да" Then gai1 = gai1 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 62) = "Да" Then gai2 = gai2 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 63) = "Да" Then gai3 = gai3 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 61) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 62) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 63) = "Да" Then fgai = fgai + 1 Next i x = MsgBox("По вашему запросу:" & vbNewLine & "Статус -" & cb_stat.Text & ", Год рождения: " & y & ", Автомобиль: " & cb_car.Text & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Всего записей: " & all - 1 & vbNewLine & vbNewLine & "Сдавших внутренний экзамен - ПДД: " & ins1 & vbNewLine & "Сдавших внутренний экзамен - Автодром: " & ins2 & vbNewLine & "Сдавших внутренний экзамен - Город: " & ins3 & vbNewLine & "Итого допущеных до экзамена в ГАИ: " & fins & vbNewLine & "Сдавших экзамен в ГАИ - ПДД: " & gai1 & vbNewLine & "Сдавших экзамен в ГАИ - Автодром: " & gai2 & vbNewLine & "Сдавших экзамен в ГАИ - Город: " & gai3 & vbNewLine & "Итого получивших права: " & fgai, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "Автошкола") End Sub Кнопка “Табличный отчет”: Private Sub bt_tab_Click() Sheets("Отчет").Visible = True Dim ins1, ins2, ins3, gai1, gai2, gai3, fins, fgai As Integer ins1 = 0 ins2 = 0 ins3 = 0 gai1 = 0 gai2 = 0 gai3 = 0 Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 36).Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select Selection.Clear Sheets("База").Cells(2, 31) = "" Sheets("База").Cells(2, 32) = "" Sheets("База").Cells(2, 33) = "" Sheets("База").Cells(2, 34) = "" If cb_stat.Text = "Любой" Then Sheets("База").Cells(2, 31) = "" Else Sheets("База").Cells(2, 31) = cb_stat.Text If CheckBox1 = True Then Sheets("База").Cells(2, 32) = ">=" & CDate("1.1." & ed_year.Text) Sheets("База").Cells(2, 33) = "<" & CDate("1.1." & Val(ed_year.Text) + 1) End If If cb_car.Text = "Любой" Then Sheets("База").Cells(2, 34) = "" Else Sheets("База").Cells(2, 34) = cb_car.Text Sheets("База").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(all, 29)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Sheets("База").Range( _ "AE1:AH2"), CopyToRange:=Sheets("База").Range("AJ1"), Unique:=False If CheckBox1.Value = True Then y = ed_year.Text Else y = "Любой" Sheets("База").Cells(1, 36).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 58) = "Да" Then ins1 = ins1 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 59) = "Да" Then ins2 = ins2 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 60) = "Да" Then ins3 = ins3 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 58) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 59) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 60) = "Да" Then fins = fins + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 61) = "Да" Then gai1 = gai1 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 62) = "Да" Then gai2 = gai2 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 63) = "Да" Then gai3 = gai3 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 61) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 62) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 63) = "Да" Then fgai = fgai + 1 Next i Sheets("Отчет").Activate Sheets("Отчет").Range("A3") = cb_stat.Text If ed_year.Text = "" Then Sheets("Отчет").Range("B3") = "Любой" Else Sheets("Отчет").Range("B3") = ed_year.Text Sheets("Отчет").Range("C3") = cb_car.Text Sheets("Отчет").Range("B4") = ins1 Sheets("Отчет").Range("B5") = ins2 Sheets("Отчет").Range("B6") = ins3 Sheets("Отчет").Range("D4") = gai1 Sheets("Отчет").Range("D5") = gai2 Sheets("Отчет").Range("D6") = gai3 Sheets("Отчет").Range("D8") = fins Sheets("Отчет").Range("D10") = fgai Sheets("Отчет").Range("B11") = all - 1 StatForm.Hide End Sub Флажок “Активация года рождения”: Private Sub CheckBox1_Click() If CheckBox1 = True Then ed_year.Enabled = True ed_year.Text = 1990 Else ed_year.Enabled = False ed_year.Text = "" End If End Sub Поле “Год рождения”: Private Sub ed_year_Change() If CheckBox1 = True Then ed_year.Text = Val(ed_year.Text) End Sub Активация формы: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() cb_stat.Clear cb_car.Clear Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count descnumcount.Caption = all - 1 cb_stat.AddItem ("Любой") cb_stat.AddItem ("Обучаемый") cb_stat.AddItem ("Окончил") cb_stat.ListIndex = 0 Sheets("Данные").Activate Sheets("Данные").Cells(1, 14).Select alld = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count cb_car.AddItem ("Любой") For i = 2 To alld cb_car.AddItem (Sheets("Данные").Cells(i, 14)) Next i cb_car.ListIndex = 0 ed_year.Enabled = False End Sub Завершение работы формы: Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() StatForm.Hide MainForm.Show (0) End Sub 5.11 Форма “Статистика инструкторов”Список “Автомобиль”: Private Sub cb_car_Change() Sheets("Данные").Activate cb_teacher.Clear For i = 2 To 10 If Sheets("Данные").Cells(i, 4) = cb_car.Value Then cb_teacher.AddItem Sheets("Данные").Cells(i, 3) Next i If cb_car.Value = "Любой" Then cb_teacher.AddItem "Любой" cb_teacher.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Кнопка “Закрыть”: Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() InstrForm.Hide MainForm.Show (0) End Sub Кнопка “Отчет”: Private Sub CommandButton2_Click() Dim ins1, ins2, gai1, gai2, fins, fgai As Integer ins1 = 0 ins2 = 0 gai1 = 0 gai2 = 0 fins = 0 fgai = 0 Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Cells(1, 1).Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count Sheets("База").Activate Sheets("База").Range("BN2") = "" Sheets("База").Range("BO2") = "" Sheets("База").Cells(1, 70).Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select Selection.Clear If cb_car.Text <> "Любой" Then Sheets("База").Range("BN2") = cb_car.Text If cb_teacher.Text <> "Любой" Then Sheets("База").Range("BO2") = cb_teacher.Text Sheets("База").Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(all, 29)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, CriteriaRange:=Sheets("База").Range( _ "BN1:BP2"), CopyToRange:=Sheets("База").Range("BR1"), Unique:=False Sheets("База").Cells(1, 70).Select all = Selection.CurrentRegion.Rows.Count For i = 2 To all If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 93) = "Да" Then ins1 = ins1 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 94) = "Да" Then ins2 = ins2 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 92) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 93) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 94) = "Да" Then fins = fins + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 96) = "Да" Then gai1 = gai1 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 97) = "Да" Then gai2 = gai2 + 1 If Sheets("База").Cells(i, 95) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 96) = "Да" And Sheets("База").Cells(i, 97) = "Да" Then fgai = fgai + 1 Next i Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Activate Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B1") = cb_teacher.Text Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B2") = cb_car.Text Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B3") = all - 1 Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B4") = ins1 Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B5") = ins2 Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B6") = fins Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B7") = gai1 Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B8") = gai2 Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B9") = fgai Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Range("B11") = ((100 / (all - 1)) * fgai) / 100 InstrForm.Hide Sheets("Отчет_Инструктор").Visible = True End Sub Активация формы: Private Sub UserForm_Activate() Sheets("Данные").Activate cb_car.Clear cb_car.AddItem ("Любой") cb_car.AddItem ("ВАЗ-2105") cb_car.AddItem ("ВАЗ-2106") cb_car.AddItem ("ВАЗ-2108") cb_car.AddItem ("ВАЗ-2109") cb_car.AddItem ("ВАЗ-2110") cb_car.ListIndex = 0 End Sub Завершение работы формы: Private Sub UserForm_Terminate() MainForm.Show (0) End Sub
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