Универсальный проигрыватель WinMedia
p align="left">procedure TMainForm.PopupMenuPopup(Sender: TObject);begin { adjust menu entrys } PopupMenu.Items[6].Enabled := PlayList.Count > 1; PopupMenu.Items[7].Enabled := PlayList.Count > 1; if (wosPlay in WaveOut.State) then begin PopupMenu.Items[0].Enabled := False; PopupMenu.Items[2].Caption := '&Рестарт'; PopupMenu.Items[3].Enabled := True; PopupMenu.Items[4].Enabled := True; end else begin PopupMenu.Items[0].Enabled := True; PopupMenu.Items[2].Caption := '&Воспроизвести'; PopupMenu.Items[3].Enabled := False; PopupMenu.Items[4].Enabled := False; end; if (wosPause in WaveOut.State) then PopupMenu.Items[3].Caption := '&Пауза' else PopupMenu.Items[3].Caption := '&Пауза'; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.PreferencesClick(Sender: TObject); begin with TPreferencesForm.Create(Self) do try ShowModal; finally Free; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnOpenClick(Sender: TObject); var Idx: WORD; begin if (OpenDialog.Execute) and (opendialog.FileName = '*.avi') then begin Video.Show; Video.Visible:=true; mainform.Visible:=false; if video.AVIOpenDialog.Execute then Приложение А (продолжение) begin video.AVIFile.FileName := opendialog.FileName; video.Caption := ExtractFileName(opendialog.FileName); video.AVIFile.OpenFile; video.AVIControl.FreeStreams; video.AVIControl.AddFile(video.AVIFile); video.AVIDisplay.Refresh; video.Icon.Handle := ExtractassociatedIcon(0,PChar(opendialog.FileName),Idx); end; end else if OpenDialog.Execute then begin IncPlayList := False; WaveOut.Stop; if not LoadFile(OpenDialog.FileName) then MessageDlg('Итс файл из нот карренли',mtWarning, [mbOK],0); SetFileParams; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnCloseClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (MessageDlg('ВЫ дестительно хотите выйте из программы??', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes) then Close; end; procedure TMainForm.btnMenuClick(Sender: TObject); var P: TPoint; begin P := ButtonPanel.ClientToScreen(Point(btnMenu.Left,btnMenu.Top+btnMenu.Height)); PopupMenu.Popup(P.X,P.Y); end; procedure TMainForm.btnPlayClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (PlayList.Count = 0) then begin btnOpenClick(nil); Refresh; end; IncPlayList := False; if (PlayList.Count > 0) then begin if not (wosPlay in WaveOut.State) then begin SelectFile(PlayIndex); WaveOut.Start; end else if (wosPause in WaveOut.State) then WaveOut.Restart else begin WaveOut.Stop; WaveOut.Start; end; end; Приложение А (продолжение) IncPlayList := True; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnPauseClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (wosPlay in WaveOut.State) then begin if (wosPause in WaveOut.State) then WaveOut.Restart else WaveOut.Pause; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin IncPlayList := False; WaveOut.Stop; end; //предыдущая композиция procedure TMainForm.btnPrevClick(Sender: TObject); begin IncPlayList := False; if (PlayIndex > 0) then begin dec(PlayIndex); if (wosPlay in WaveOut.State) then begin WaveOut.Stop; SelectFile(PlayIndex); WaveOut.Start; end else SelectFile(PlayIndex); end; IncPlayList := True; end; ////следующая композиция procedure TMainForm.btnNextClick(Sender: TObject); begin IncPlayList := False; if (PlayIndex < PlayList.Count-1) then begin inc(PlayIndex); if (wosPlay in WaveOut.State) then begin WaveOut.Stop; SelectFile(PlayIndex); WaveOut.Start; end else SelectFile(PlayIndex); end; IncPlayList := True; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.GaugeMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var aPos: Longint; Приложение А (продолжение) begin if (wosOpen in WaveOut.State) then begin Seeking := True; WaveOut.Pause; if not MpegFile.Empty then begin with Gauge do aPos := MulDiv(X-BevelExtend,MpegFile.Frames,(Width-2*BevelExtend)-1); if aPos >= MpegFile.Frames then begin WaveOut.Stop; exit; end else begin MpegFile.Position := aPos; CurTime := MpegFile.Position*MpegFile.TimePerFrame; end; end else begin with Gauge do aPos := MulDiv(X-BevelExtend,WaveFile.Wave.DataSize,(Width-2*BevelExtend)-1); if aPos > WaveFile.Wave.DataSize then begin WaveOut.Stop; exit; end else begin WaveFile.Wave.Position := aPos; CurTime := WaveFile.Wave.Position; end; end; WaveOut.Reset; WaveOut.Restart; OldTime := 0; Seeking := False; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnSkipLClick(Sender: TObject); begin if (wosPlay in WaveOut.State) then begin Seeking := True; WaveOut.Pause; if not MpegFile.Empty then begin MpegFile.Position := MpegFile.Position-(5000 div MpegFile.TimePerFrame); CurTime := MpegFile.Position*MpegFile.TimePerFrame; end else begin WaveFile.Wave.Position := WaveFile.Wave.Position-5000; CurTime := WaveFile.Wave.Position; end; WaveOut.Reset; WaveOut.Restart; OldTime := 0; Seeking := False; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnSkipRClick(Sender: TObject); Приложение А (продолжение) begin if (wosPlay in WaveOut.State) then begin if not MpegFile.Empty then begin if MpegFile.Position+(5000 div MpegFile.TimePerFrame) > MpegFile.Frames then WaveOut.Stop; end else begin if WaveFile.Wave.Position+5000 > WaveFile.Wave.DataSize then WaveOut.Stop; end; Seeking := True; WaveOut.Pause; if not MpegFile.Empty then begin MpegFile.Position := MpegFile.Position+(5000 div MpegFile.TimePerFrame); CurTime := MpegFile.Position*MpegFile.TimePerFrame; end else begin WaveFile.Wave.Position := WaveFile.Wave.Position+5000; CurTime := WaveFile.Wave.Position; end; WaveOut.Reset; WaveOut.Restart; OldTime := 0; Seeking := False; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnDecVolumeClick(Sender: TObject); var Volume,L,R: Longint; begin if (wosOpen in WaveOut.State) then begin WaveOutGetVolume(WaveOut.Handle,@Volume); L := LoWord(Volume); R := HiWord(Volume); L := Max(L - 5000,0); R := Max(R - 5000,0); Volume := (R shl 16) + L; WaveOutSetVolume(WaveOut.Handle,Volume); end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnIncVolumeClick(Sender: TObject); var Volume,L,R: Longint; begin if (wosOpen in WaveOut.State) then begin WaveOutGetVolume(WaveOut.Handle,@Volume); L := LoWord(Volume); R := HiWord(Volume); L := Min(L + 5000,$FFFF); R := Min(R + 5000,$FFFF); Volume := (R shl 16) + L; WaveOutSetVolume(WaveOut.Handle,Volume); Приложение А (продолжение) end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.btnPlayListClick(Sender: TObject); var wasPlaying: Boolean; begin with TPlayListEditor.Create(Self) do try if ShowModal = mrOK then begin IncPlayList := False; wasPlaying := (wosPlay in WaveOut.State); WaveOut.Stop; PlayList.Assign(TempPlayList); PlayListName := ListName; PlayIndex := 0; SelectFile(0); if wasPlaying then btnPlayClick(nil); end; finally Free; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.MMPanelMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if (Button = mbLeft) then begin Dragging := True; DragStart := TControl(Sender).ClientToScreen(Point(X,Y)); end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.MMPanelMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if (Button = mbLeft) then Dragging := False; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.MMPanelMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Diff: TPoint; begin if Dragging then begin Diff := TControl(Sender).ClientToScreen(Point(X,Y)); Diff := Point(Diff.X-DragStart.X,Diff.Y-DragStart.Y); SetBounds(Left+Diff.X,Top+Diff.Y,Width,Height); DragStart.X := DragStart.X+Diff.X; DragStart.Y := DragStart.Y+Diff.Y; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} procedure TMainForm.Info1Click(Sender: TObject); begin autor.show; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------} Приложение А (продолжение) procedure TMainForm.DrawLevelBar(Sender: TObject; DIB: TMMDIBCanvas; Rect: TRect; nSpots,Peak: integer); begin with DIB,Rect do begin if Sender = MMSpectrum1 then begin DIB_CopyDIBBits(MMSpectrum1.DIBCanvas.BackSurface,Left,Bottom-nSpots,Right-Left-1,Bottom,0,Bottom-nSpots); DIB_CopyDIBBits(MMSpectrum1.DIBCanvas.BackSurface,Left,Bottom-Peak,Right-Left-1,2,0,Bottom-Peak); end else if Sender = MMLevel1 then begin DIB_SetTColor(MMLevel1.Color); DIB_Clear; DIB_CopyDIBBits(MMLevel1.DIBCanvas.BackSurface,0,Top,2*nSpots,Bottom,0,0); DIB_CopyDIBBits(MMLevel1.DIBCanvas.BackSurface,2*Peak-2,Top,2,Bottom,2*Peak,0); end else begin DIB_SetTColor(MMLevel2.Color); DIB_Clear; DIB_CopyDIBBits(MMLevel2.DIBCanvas.BackSurface,0,Top,2*nSpots,Bottom,0,0); DIB_CopyDIBBits(MMLevel2.DIBCanvas.BackSurface,2*Peak-2,Top,2,Bottom,2*Peak,0); end; end; end; procedure TMainForm.SpeedButton1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Application.Minimize; end; procedure TMainForm.N5Click(Sender: TObject); begin video.Show; mainform.Visible:=false; end; end. unit UMe; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, MMObj, MMLEDLbl, MMScroll, MMLEDS, ExtCtrls; type TAutor = class(TForm) MMLEDLABEL1: TMMLEDLABEL; MMLEDLABEL2: TMMLEDLABEL; MMLEDLABEL3: TMMLEDLABEL; MMLEDPanel1: TMMLEDPanel; MMLEDLABEL4: TMMLEDLABEL; MMLED1: TMMLED; procedure MMLED1Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Autor: TAutor; implementation Приложение А (продолжение) {$R *.dfm} procedure TAutor.MMLED1Click(Sender: TObject); begin close; end; end. unit UML; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, Menus, Grids, DBGrids; type TML = class(TForm) DBGrid1: TDBGrid; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; N1: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; N3: TMenuItem; procedure N2Click(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var ML: TML; implementation {$R *.dfm} procedure TML.N2Click(Sender: TObject); begin close; end; end. unit UDM; interface uses SysUtils, Classes, DB, ADODB; type TDM = class(TDataModule) DataSource1: TDataSource; ADOCommand1: TADOCommand; ADOConnection1: TADOConnection; ADOQuery1: TADOQuery; private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var DM: TDM; implementation {$R *.dfm} end. unit UList; interface uses Windows, SysUtils, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, FileCtrl, Menus, ComCtrls, MMMPType, MMMpeg, MMWaveIO, MMRiff; type TPlaylistEditor = class(TForm) OKButton: TButton; CancelButton: TButton; MainMenu1: TMainMenu; File1: TMenuItem; Label5: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; PlayListBox: TListBox; AddButton: TButton; RemoveButton: TButton; ClearButton: TButton; RandomizeButton: TButton; FileListBox: TFileListBox; DirectoryListBox1: TDirectoryListBox; DriveComboBox1: TDriveComboBox; Bevel1: TBevel; NewPlaylist1: TMenuItem; OpenPlaylist1: TMenuItem; SavePlaylist1: TMenuItem; SavePlaylistAs1: TMenuItem; AppendPlaylist1: TMenuItem; N1: TMenuItem; Exit1: TMenuItem; OpenDialog: TOpenDialog; SaveDialog: TSaveDialog; InfoLabel: TLabel; procedure ListMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); procedure ListKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure ListDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); procedure ClearButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure RandomizeButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure AddButtonClick(Sender: TObject); Приложение А (продолжение) procedure RemoveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); procedure ListDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); procedure ListDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); procedure ListEndDrag(Sender, Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer); procedure FormHide(Sender: TObject); procedure Exit1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure NewPlaylist1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure OpenPlaylist1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SavePlaylist1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure SavePlaylistAs1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure AppendPlaylist1Click(Sender: TObject); private FListName : TFileName; DragTarget: TListBox; aTimer : TTimer; aBitmap1 : TBitmap; aBitmap2 : TBitmap; aIcon : TIcon; oldIndex : integer; oldCaption: String; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure SetListName(aValue: TFileName); procedure SetButtons; function FirstSelection(aList: TCustomListBox): Integer; function LastSelection(aList: TCustomListBox): Integer; function FindIndex(aList: TListBox; aPos: TPoint): integer; procedure ClearSelected(aList: TCustomListBox); procedure AddSelected(aIndex: integer); procedure ResortSelected(aIndex: integer); procedure RemoveSelected; procedure DrawIndexPtr(oldIndex, newIndex: integer); procedure DragTimerExpired(Sender: TObject); procedure UpdatePlayListBox; procedure SetFileInfo; public TempPlayList: TStringList; ListChanged: Boolean; property ListName: TFileName read FListName write SetListName; end; var PlaylistEditor: TPlaylistEditor; function LoadPlayList(FileName: TFileName; aPlayList: TStringList): Boolean; function SavePlayList(FileName: TFileName; aPlayList: TStringList): Boolean; implementation uses umain; {$R *.DFM} const crTrackDrag = 1; crTrackAdd = 2; crTrackDelete = 3; {------------------------------------------------------------------------} function LoadPlayList(FileName: TFileName; aPlayList: TStringList): Boolean; var i: integer; F: TextFile; S: String; Приложение А (продолжение) begin i := 0; if (FileName <> '') and FileExists(FileName) then begin AssignFile(F, FileName); {$I+} Reset(F); try while not EOF(F) do begin ReadLn(F, S); if (S <> '') then begin if FileExists(S) then begin if IsMpegFile(S) or wioIsWaveFile(S, RIFF_FILE) then begin aPlayList.Add(S); inc(i); end else MessageDlg(S+' is not a valid Audiofile',mtError, [mbOK],0); end; end; end; finally CloseFile(F); end; {$I+} end; Result := (i > 0); end; {------------------------------------------------------------------------} function SavePlayList(FileName: TFileName; aPlayList: TStringList): Boolean; var i: integer; F: TextFile; begin Result := True; if (FileName <> '') then begin AssignFile(F, FileName); {$I-} Rewrite(F); try if (IOResult <> 0) then Result := False else begin for i := 0 to aPlayList.Count-1 do begin WriteLn(F,aPlayList[i]); if (IOResult <> 0) then begin Result := False; break; end; end; end; finally CloseFile(F); end; {$I+} end; end; Приложение А (продолжение) {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlayListEditor.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); Params.Style := Params.Style and not WS_SIZEBOX; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin oldCaption := Caption; TempPlayList := TStringList.Create; ListName := 'noname.m3u'; aTimer := TTimer.Create(Self); aTimer.Interval := 50; aTimer.Enabled := False; aTimer.OnTimer := DragTimerExpired; aBitmap1 := TBitmap.Create; aBitmap2 := TBitmap.Create; aBitmap1.Handle := LoadBitmap(HInstance, 'BM_NOTE'); aBitmap2.Width := aBitmap1.Width; aBitmap2.Height := aBitmap1.Height; BitBlt(aBitmap2.Canvas.Handle, 0,0, aBitmap1.Width, aBitmap1.Height, aBitmap1.Canvas.Handle, 0,0, NOTSRCCOPY); aIcon := TIcon.Create; aIcon.Handle := LoadIcon(HInstance, 'MARKERICON'); Icon.Handle := LoadIcon(HInstance, 'PLAYLISTICON'); oldIndex := -1; Screen.Cursors[crTrackDrag] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'CR_TRACKDRAG'); Screen.Cursors[crTrackAdd] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'CR_TRACKADD'); Screen.Cursors[crTrackDelete] := LoadCursor(HInstance, 'CR_TRACKDELETE'); DragTarget := Nil; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin aTimer.Free; aBitmap1.Free; aBitmap2.Free; aIcon.Free; TempPlayList.Free; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin PlayListBox.Clear; TempPlayList.Assign(MainForm.PlayList); ListName := MainForm.PlayListName; UpdatePlayListBox; ListChanged := not ((ListName <> '') and (ListName <> 'noname.m3u')); SetFileInfo; SetButtons; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.FormHide(Sender: TObject); begin Приложение А (продолжение) if ModalResult = mrOK then begin if ListChanged then if MessageDlg('Сохранить изменения в плейлисте ?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes,mbNo],0) = mrYes then begin if (ListName <> 'noname.m3u') then SavePlaylist1Click(nil) else SavePlaylistAs1Click(nil); end; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlayListEditor.SetListName(aValue: TFileName); begin FListName := aValue; Caption := oldCaption; if FListName <> '' then Caption := Caption + ' - ' + FListName; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.SetButtons; begin AddButton.Enabled := (FileListBox.SelCount > 0); RemoveButton.Enabled := (PlayListBox.SelCount > 0); ClearButton.Enabled := (PlayListBox.Items.Count > 0); RandomizeButton.Enabled := (PlayListBox.Items.Count > 0); end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlayListEditor.UpdatePlayListBox; var i: integer; begin PlayListBox.Clear; for i := 0 to TempPlayList.Count-1 do PlayListBox.Items.Add(ExtractFileName(TempPlayList[i])); end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlayListEditor.SetFileInfo; var FileName,S: String; lpwio: PWaveIOCB; MpegInfo: TMpegFileInfo; begin if (TempPlayList.Count > 0) and (PlayListBox.ItemIndex >= 0) then begin FileName := TempPlayList[PlayListBox.ItemIndex]; if IsMpegFile(FileName) then begin if GetMpegFileInfo(FileName, MpegInfo) then begin S := 'ISO MPEG '; with MpegInfo do begin case Version of v1 : S := S + '1 - '; v2LSF: S := S + '2 - '; end; case Layer of 1: S := S + 'Layer I; '; 2: S := S + 'Layer II; '; 3: S := S + 'Layer III; '; end; S := S + Format('%2.3f kHz; %d KBit/s; ',[SampleRate/1000,BitRate]); case SampleMode of smStereo : S := S + 'Stereo;'; smJointStereo : S := S + 'Joint Stereo;'; smDualChannel : S := S + 'Dual Channel;'; smSingleChannel: S := S + 'Mono;'; end; InfoLabel.Caption := S; end; exit; end; end else if wioIsWaveFile(FileName, RIFF_FILE) then begin if wioReadFileInfo(lpwio, PChar(FileName), mmioFOURCC('W', 'A', 'V', 'E'), RIFF_FILE) = 0 then try InfoLabel.Caption := 'WAVE - '; wioGetFormatName(@lpwio.wfx, S); InfoLabel.Caption := InfoLabel.Caption+' '+S; wioGetFormat(@lpwio.wfx, S); InfoLabel.Caption := InfoLabel.Caption+' '+S; exit; finally wioFreeFileInfo(lpwio); end; end; InfoLabel.Caption := 'Незнай че за файл...'; end else InfoLabel.Caption := ''; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} function TPlaylistEditor.FirstSelection(aList: TCustomListBox): Integer; begin for Result := 0 to aList.Items.Count - 1 do if aList.Selected[Result] then exit; Result := LB_ERR; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} function TPlaylistEditor.LastSelection(aList: TCustomListBox): Integer; begin for Result := aList.Items.Count - 1 downTo 0 do if aList.Selected[Result] then exit; Result := LB_ERR; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} function TPlaylistEditor.FindIndex(aList: TListBox; aPos: TPoint): integer; begin with aList do begin Result := ItemAtPos(aPos, False); if Items.Count > (Height div ItemHeight)-1 then if Result = TopIndex + (Height div ItemHeight)-1 then if aPos.Y > Height-(ItemHeight div 2) then inc(Result); end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ClearSelected(aList: TCustomListBox); Var aIndex: integer; begin aIndex := FirstSelection(aList); Приложение А (продолжение) if aIndex > LB_Err then begin while aIndex <= LastSelection(aList) do begin if aList.Selected[aIndex] then begin aList.Selected[aIndex] := False; ListChanged := True; end; inc(aIndex); end; SetFileInfo; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.AddSelected(aIndex: integer); Var i: Integer; begin with TempPlayList do begin if (aIndex = -1) then aIndex := Count; for i := 0 to FileListBox.Items.Count - 1 do begin if FileListBox.Selected[i] then begin Insert(aIndex, FileListBox.Items[i]); ListChanged := True; inc(aIndex); end; end; UpdatePlayListBox; if aIndex >= PlayListBox.Height div PlayListBox.ItemHeight then PlayListBox.TopIndex := aIndex-((PlayListBox.Height div PlayListBox.ItemHeight)-1); end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ResortSelected(aIndex: integer); Var i: Integer; begin if (PlayListBox.Items.Count > 1) then with PlayListBox do begin if (aIndex = -1) then aIndex := 0; i := 0; while i < Items.Count do begin if Selected[i] then begin Selected[i] := False; ListChanged := True; if aIndex > i then begin TempPlayList.Move(i, aIndex-1); Items.Move(i, aIndex-1); dec(i); end else begin Приложение А (продолжение) TempPlayList.Move(i, aIndex); Items.Move(i, aIndex); inc(aIndex); end; end; inc(i); end; if (Items.Count > 0) then begin TopIndex := 0; Selected[0] := True; Selected[0] := False; end; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.RemoveSelected; Var i: Integer; begin with PlayListBox do begin ItemIndex := 0; for i := Items.Count - 1 downTo 0 do if Selected[i] then begin Items.Delete(i); TempPlayList.Delete(i); ListChanged := True; end; if (Items.Count > 0) then begin TopIndex := 0; Selected[0] := True; Selected[0] := False; end; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ListMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); begin if Button = mbLeft then begin if (Sender = PlayListBox) then SetFileInfo; SetButtons; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ListKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin if (Sender = PlayListBox) then SetFileInfo; SetButtons; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ListDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); Var Offset: Integer; begin with (Control as TListBox), (Control as TListBox).Canvas do begin FillRect(Rect); Offset := 1; if (odSelected in State) then BrushCopy(Bounds(Rect.Left + Offset, Rect.Top, aBitmap2.Width, aBitmap2.Height), aBitmap2, Bounds(0, 0, aBitmap2.Width, aBitmap2.Height), clBlack) else BrushCopy(Bounds(Rect.Left + Offset, Rect.Top, aBitmap1.Width, aBitmap1.Height), aBitmap1, Bounds(0, 0, aBitmap1.Width, aBitmap1.Height), clWhite); Offset := Offset + aBitmap1.Width + 5; TextOut(Rect.Left + Offset, Rect.Top, Items[Index]); end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.AddButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin AddSelected(-1); SetButtons; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.RemoveButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin RemoveSelected; SetButtons; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ClearButtonClick(Sender: TObject); begin TempPlayList.Clear; PlayListBox.Clear; ListChanged := True; SetFileInfo; SetButtons; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.RandomizeButtonClick(Sender: TObject); var i,j: integer; begin Randomize; for i := 0 to TempPlayList.Count-1 do begin j := Random(TempPlayList.Count); TempPlayList.Move(i, j); PlayListBox.Items.Move(i, j); end; ListChanged := True; SetButtons; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.DragTimerExpired(Sender: TObject); Var Приложение А (продолжение) MousePos: TPoint; begin if DragTarget <> Nil then begin GetCursorPos(MousePos); MousePos := ScreenToClient(MousePos); with DragTarget do begin if (MousePos.X > Left) And (MousePos.X < Left + Width) then begin { scroll the listbox up } if (MousePos.Y < Top) And (TopIndex > 0) then TopIndex := TopIndex - 1 else { scroll the listbox down } if (MousePos.Y > Top + Height) And (TopIndex < Items.Count - (Height div ItemHeight)) then TopIndex := TopIndex + 1; end; end; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.DrawIndexPtr(oldIndex, newIndex: integer); const Offset: integer = 2; begin with Canvas do begin if oldIndex <> LB_Err then begin with PlayListBox do oldIndex := (oldIndex - TopIndex) * ItemHeight + Top - 5; Brush.Color := Self.Color; FillRect(Rect(Offset,oldIndex, Offset+15, oldIndex+15)); end; if newIndex <> LB_Err then begin with PlayListBox do newIndex := (newIndex - TopIndex) * ItemHeight + Top - 5; Draw(Offset, newIndex, aIcon); end; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ListDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; State: TDragState; Var Accept: Boolean); Var curIndex: integer; begin if (Source is TCustomListBox) And (Sender is TCustomListBox) then begin Accept := True; { set the right drag cursors } if (State = dsDragEnter) then begin if Source = PlayListBox then begin if Sender = PlayListBox then Приложение А (продолжение) TListBox(Source).DragCursor := crTrackDrag else TFileListBox(Source).DragCursor := crTrackDelete; end else begin if Sender = FileListBox then TFileListBox(Source).DragCursor := crTrackDrag else TListBox(Source).DragCursor := crTrackAdd; end; aTimer.Enabled := False; DragTarget := TListBox(Sender); end else if (State = dsDragLeave) then aTimer.Enabled := True; { don't accept if on the scrollbars } with TCustomListBox(Sender) do begin CurIndex := ItemAtPos(Point(X,Y),False); if CurIndex = LB_Err then Accept := False; end; { now draw the index arrow } if (Sender = PlayListBox) then begin {special case for the last visible item } CurIndex := FindIndex(TListBox(Sender), Point(X, Y)); if (CurIndex <> oldIndex) Or (State = dsDragLeave) then begin if (State = dsDragEnter) then oldIndex := LB_Err; if (State = dsDragLeave) then curIndex := LB_Err; DrawIndexPtr(oldIndex, curIndex); oldIndex := curIndex; end; end; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ListDragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); Var aIndex: Integer; begin { make sure source and destination components are list boxes } if (Source is TCustomListBox) and (Sender is TCustomListBox) then begin if (Sender = FileListBox) then begin { delete selected items } if (Source = PlayListBox) then RemoveSelected; end else begin { copy from one list to another } if (Source = FileListBox) then begin Приложение А (продолжение) { find destination position in list box } aIndex := FindIndex(TListBox(Sender), Point(X, Y)); AddSelected(aIndex); end else { rearrange list } begin { find destination position in list box } aIndex := FindIndex(TListBox(Sender), Point(X, Y)); ResortSelected(aIndex); end; end; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.ListEndDrag(Sender, Target: TObject; X, Y: Integer); begin aTimer.Enabled := False; DragTarget := Nil; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.Exit1Click(Sender: TObject); begin Close; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.NewPlaylist1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if SaveDialog.Execute then begin TempPlayList.Clear; PlayListBox.Clear; ListChanged := True; ListName := SaveDialog.FileName; end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.OpenPlaylist1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenDialog.Execute then begin TempPlayList.Clear; PlayListBox.Clear; if LoadPlayList(OpenDialog.FileName,TempPlayList) then begin UpdatePlayListBox; ListChanged := False; ListName := OpenDialog.FileName; end else MessageDlg('Unable to load Playlist!',mtError, [mbOK],0); end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.SavePlaylist1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if SavePlayList(ListName,TempPlayList) then begin ListChanged := False; end else MessageDlg('Unable to save Playlist!',mtError, [mbOK],0); end; Приложение А (продолжение) {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.SavePlaylistAs1Click(Sender: TObject); begin SaveDialog.InitialDir := ExtractFilePath(ListName); SaveDialog.FileName := ExtractFileName(ListName); if SaveDialog.Execute then begin if SavePlayList(SaveDialog.FileName,TempPlayList) then begin ListChanged := False; ListName := SaveDialog.FileName; end else MessageDlg('Unable to save Playlist!',mtError, [mbOK],0); end; end; {-- TPlayListEditor -----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPlaylistEditor.AppendPlaylist1Click(Sender: TObject); begin if OpenDialog.Execute then begin if LoadPlayList(OpenDialog.FileName,TempPlayList) then begin UpdatePlayListBox; ListChanged := True; end else MessageDlg('Unable to append Playlist!',mtError, [mbOK],0); end; end; end. unit UPref; interface uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ComCtrls, Tabnotbk, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, MMObj, MMUtils, MMSlider, MMRegs, MMWaveIO, MMWavIn, MMWavOut, MMSpin; type TPreferencesForm = class(TForm) PageControl1: TPageControl; OptAudio: TTabSheet; btnOk: TButton; btnCancel: TButton; GroupBox1: TGroupBox; GroupBox2: TGroupBox; GroupBox3: TGroupBox; PlayCombo: TComboBox; Label1: TLabel; Label2: TLabel; Label3: TLabel; Label4: TLabel; Label6: TLabel; radioWindow: TRadioButton; radioThread: TRadioButton; radioInterrupt: TRadioButton; labelBufferSize: TLabel; sliderBufferSize: TMMSlider; spinBufferSize: TMMSpinButton; procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure BufferSizeChange(Sender: TObject); procedure btnOkClick(Sender: TObject); private BufferSize: integer; procedure UpdateBufferSize; end; var PreferencesForm: TPreferencesForm; implementation uses umain; {$R *.DFM} {========================================================================} { Initialization and Settings } {========================================================================} {-- TPreferencesForm ----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPreferencesForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); var i: integer; begin with MainForm do begin {-- Audio Page --} sliderBufferSize.Position := WaveOut.NumBuffers; spinBufferSize.Value := sliderBufferSize.Position; BufferSize := sliderBufferSize.Position*WaveOut.BufferSize; UpdateBufferSize; if WaveOut.NumDevs > 0 then begin PlayCombo.Items.Add(WaveOutGetDeviceName(WAVE_MAPPER)); for i := 0 to WaveOut.NumDevs-1 do begin PlayCombo.Items.Add(WaveOutGetDeviceName(i)); end; PlayCombo.ItemIndex := WaveOut.DeviceId+1; end; if not _win95_ then radioInterrupt.Enabled := False; case WaveOut.CallbackMode of cmWindow : radioWindow.Checked := True; cmThread : radioThread.Checked := True; cmCallback: radioInterrupt.Checked := True; end; end; end; {-- TPreferencesForm ----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPreferencesForm.btnOkClick(Sender: TObject); Приложение А (продолжение) begin with MainForm do begin {-- Audio Page --} WaveOut.DeviceID := PlayCombo.ItemIndex-1; WaveOut.NumBuffers := BufferSize div WaveOut.BufferSize; if radioWindow.Checked then WaveOut.CallbackMode := cmWindow else if radioThread.Checked then WaveOut.CallbackMode := cmThread else WaveOut.CallbackMode := cmCallback end; end; {========================================================================} { Audio Page } {========================================================================} {-- TPreferencesForm ----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPreferencesForm.UpdateBufferSize; begin labelBufferSize.Caption := IntToStr(BufferSize div 1024)+' Kb'; if (MainForm.WaveOut.PWaveFormat <> nil) then labelBufferSize.Caption := labelBufferSize.Caption+ Format(' - %f seconds',[wioBytesToTime(MainForm.WaveOut.PWaveFormat,BufferSize)/1000]); end; {-- TPreferencesForm ----------------------------------------------------} procedure TPreferencesForm.BufferSizeChange(Sender: TObject); begin if (Sender = sliderBufferSize) then spinBufferSize.Value := sliderBufferSize.Position else sliderBufferSize.Position := spinBufferSize.Value; BufferSize := sliderBufferSize.Position * MainForm.WaveOut.BufferSize; UpdateBufferSize; end; end. unit UVideo; interface uses Windows, ShellAPI, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, ExtCtrls, Menus, MMAbout, MMObj, MMAVICtl, MMCstDlg, MMAVI, MMHook, MMDesign; type TVideo = class(TForm) AVIFile: TMMAVIFile; AVIOpenDialog: TMMAVIOpenDialog; AVIControl: TMMAVIControl; AVIDisplay: TMMAVIVideoDisplay; Bevel1: TBevel; PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; OpenFile1: TMenuItem; N1: TMenuItem; Play1: TMenuItem; Pause1: TMenuItem; Stop1: TMenuItem; N2: TMenuItem; ShowDisplay1: TMenuItem; ShowControls1: TMenuItem; N3: TMenuItem; Properties1: TMenuItem; N4: TMenuItem; Info1: TMenuItem; MMDesigner1: TMMDesigner; N5: TMenuItem; SaveFrame1: TMenuItem; SaveDialog: TSaveDialog; procedure AVIDisplayDblClick(Sender: TObject); procedure OpenFile1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); procedure PopupMenu1Popup(Sender: TObject); procedure Play1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Pause1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Stop1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ShowDisplay1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure ShowControls1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Properties1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); procedure Info1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure SaveFrame1Click(Sender: TObject); private MinWidth,MinHeight: integer; procedure WMGetMinMaxInfo(Var Msg: TWMGetMinMaxInfo); message WM_GETMINMAXINFO; procedure SetminMax; end; var Video: TVideo; implementation uses Upref, UMain, UMe; {$R *.DFM} {-- TMainForm ------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.WMGetMinMaxInfo(Var Msg: TWMGetMinMaxInfo); begin if (MinWidth <> 0) then begin with Msg.MinMaxInfo^ do begin ptMinTrackSize.X := MinWidth; { Minimum width } ptMinTrackSize.Y := MinHeight; { Minimum height } end; Msg.Result := 0; { Tell windows you have changed minmaxinfo } end; inherited; Приложение А (продолжение) end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.SetMinMax; begin MinWidth := (Width-ClientWidth)+AVIControl.MinWidth; MinHeight:= (Height-ClientHeight)+AVIControl.MinHeight; if Height < MinHeight then Height := MinHeight; with AVIControl do begin if (not ShowDisplay and not ShowControls) then begin Bevel1.Visible := False; AVIControl.Visible := False; end else begin AVIControl.Visible := True; Bevel1.Visible := True; Bevel1.Top := 0; end; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.FormResize(Sender: TObject); begin if Height <= MinHeight then Bevel1.Visible := False else with AVIControl do if (AVIControl.ShowDisplay and ShowControls) then begin Bevel1.Visible := True; Bevel1.Top := 0; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin MinWidth := 0; Icon.Handle := LoadIcon(0,IDI_WINLOGO); end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin SetMinMax; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); begin AVIControl.FreeStreams; AVIFile.CloseFile; mainform.Visible:=true; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.PopupMenu1Popup(Sender: TObject); begin with AVIControl do begin Play1.Enabled := (hasAudio or hasVideo) and not Playing or Paused; Pause1.Enabled := Playing and not Paused; Приложение А (продолжение) Stop1.Enabled := Playing; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.OpenFile1Click(Sender: TObject); var Idx: WORD; begin if AVIOpenDialog.Execute then begin AVIFile.FileName := AVIOpenDialog.FileName; Caption := ExtractFileName(AVIOpenDialog.FileName); AVIFile.OpenFile; AVIControl.FreeStreams; AVIControl.AddFile(AVIFile); AVIDisplay.Refresh; Icon.Handle := ExtractassociatedIcon(0,PChar(AVIOpenDialog.FileName),Idx); end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.AVIDisplayDblClick(Sender: TObject); begin with AVIControl do if hasAudio or hasVideo then begin if not Playing or Paused then Play else Stop; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.Play1Click(Sender: TObject); begin AVIControl.Play; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.Pause1Click(Sender: TObject); begin AVIControl.Pause; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.Stop1Click(Sender: TObject); begin AVIControl.Stop; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.ShowDisplay1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with AVIControl do begin ShowDisplay := not ShowDisplay; ShowDisplay1.Checked := ShowDisplay; SetMinMax; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.ShowControls1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with AVIControl do Приложение А (продолжение) begin ShowControls := not ShowControls; ShowControls1.Checked := ShowControls; SetMinMax; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.Properties1Click(Sender: TObject); begin with TPreferencesForm.Create(Self) do try ShowModal; finally Free; end; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.Info1Click(Sender: TObject); begin autor.show; end; {-- TMainForm -----------------------------------------------------------------} procedure TVideo.SaveFrame1Click(Sender: TObject); var Bmp: TBitmap; begin if SaveDialog.Execute then begin // make sure the display is up-to-date AVIDisplay.Refresh; Bmp := TBitmap.Create; try Bmp.Width := AVIDisplay.Width-2*AVIDisplay.BevelExtend; Bmp.Height:= AVIDisplay.Height-2*AVIDisplay.BevelExtend; Bmp.Canvas.CopyRect(Rect(0,0,Bmp.Width,Bmp.Height), AVIDisplay.Canvas, AVIDisplay.BeveledRect); Bmp.SaveToFile(SaveDialog.FileName); finally Bmp.Free; end; end; end; end. Приложение Б (обязательное) Примеры отчетов Пример Отчета Вывода на печать содержимого мультимедиа библиотеки: |
Библиотека файлов | | Название композиции | Исполнитель | Альбом | Продолжительность | <различные столбцы по запросу пользователя> | | Toxicity …. | SoAD … | Toxicity … | 3:20 … | | | |
Пример отчета вывода на печать содержимого плейлиста: |
Плейлист <название плейлиста> | | Название композиции | Исполнитель | Альбом | Продолжительность | <различные столбцы по запросу пользователя> | | Toxicity …. | SoAD … | Toxicity … | 3:20 … | | | |
Список литературы [1] Архангельский А.Я. Программирование в Delphi. Учебник по классическим версиям Delphi. - М.: 00О «Бином-Пресс», 2006 [2] Голицына О.Л., Попов И.И. Основы алгоритмизации и программирования : Учеб. пособие.- М.: ФОРУМ: ИНФРА-М, 2004 [3] Тверских Н., Microsoft Access 2000 Шаг за шагом, - М., шагом, -М., издательство Эком., 1999 [4] Хомоненко А.Д., Цыганков В.М., Мальцев М.Г. - “Базы данных”, учебное пособие.
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