Исследование структурной надежности методом статистического моделирования
p align="left">End SubPrivate Sub mnuSaveAs_Click ( ) cldfilfunk.Flags = cdlOFNOverwritePrompt cldfilfunk.ShowSave SFALNAME = cldfilfunk.FileName If Len(SFALNAME) = 0 Then Exit Sub myNfkorr End Sub Private Function CheckNames (name As String) As Boolean Dim Result As Boolean Result = True If (InStr(name, "\")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, "/")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, ":")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, ";")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, "*")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, """")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, "?")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, ">")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, "<")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, "|")) Then Result = False If (InStr(name, ",")) Then Result = False CheckNames = Result End Function Private Sub myNfkorr ( ) Dim chstras As String, snumpoint As Integer Dim rrr As String On Error GoTo 898 rrr = cldfilfunk.FileTitle If CheckNames(rrr) = False Or Len(rrr) = 0 Then 11:MsgBox " Недопустимое имя файла " zapros = True cldfilfunk.FileName = "" Exit Sub ElseIf 46 = Asc(Mid(rrr, 1, 1)) Then GoTo 11 End If chstras = Right$(SFALNAME, 4) If myORno <> Right$(SFALNAME, 3) And 46 = Asc(Mid(chstras, 1, 1)) Then Mid(SFALNAME, (Len(SFALNAME) - 2), 3) = myORno ElseIf myORno <> Right$(SFALNAME, 3) And 46 <> Asc(Mid(chstras, 1, 1)) Then If InStr(1, SFALNAME, ".") <> 0 Then SFALNAME = Left$(SFALNAME, (InStr(1, SFALNAME, ".") - 1)) SFALNAME = SFALNAME & ".sns" Else SFALNAME = SFALNAME & ".sns" End If End If FCnetM brcout: Exit Sub 898: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout End Sub Private Sub FcnetM ( ) Dim st0 As String, j As Integer Dim nF As Integer, nwwd As Integer Dim clermgs As String On Error GoTo kasjakmet nF = FreeFile st0 = "777*NSN!& - _ &!SEV_*_ftAC*&&&*015401680161013101470146013600163046014101740162 _ 0174099016801610168011209901700*777" FrmSSN.Enabled = False FrmSSN.MousePointer = 11 Open SFALNAME For Output As #nF Write #nF, st0 Write #nF, CStr(keeAB) Write #nF, CStr(testimonial) Print #nF, CStr(kolvouzlov), For nwwd = 1 To kolvouzlov If MasKoLuZv(nwwd, 1) > 0 Then Write #nF, For j = 1 To 5 Print #nF, MasKoLuZv(nwwd, j), Next j End If Next nwwd '-конец ввода массива узлов Write #nF, Write #nF, Print #nF, CStr(kolvolin), For nwwd = 1 To kolvolin If mlinesSV(nwwd, 1) > 0 Then Write #nF, For j = 1 To 10 If j = 10 Then Print #nF, (mlinesSV(nwwd, j) * 1000), Else Print #nF, mlinesSV(nwwd, j), End If Next j End If Next nwwd '- конец ввода массива линий Write #nF, needFRsave = False 23: Close #nF FrmSSN.Enabled = True FrmSSN.MousePointer = 0 Exit Sub kasjakmet: Select Case Err Case Is = 76 clermgs = " Путь " & SFALNAME & " НЕ найден " SFALNAME = "" Case Is = 62 GoTo 23 Case Is = 53 clermgs = " Требуемый файл был удален или перемещен " clermgs = clermgs & vbCrLf & " Используйте меню " & " Файл \ Сохранить как..." Case Else MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo 23 End Select nwwd = MsgBox(clermgs, vbInformation + vbOKOnly, _ " Ошибка сохранения файла") cldfilfunk.FileName = "" GoTo 23 End Sub Public Sub ZAPWEB ( ) If keeCH = False Then CmdWEB_Click Else CmdWEB_Click keeCH = False CmdWEB_Click End If End Sub Private Sub mnuWBconf_Click ( ) On Error GoTo 1111 Load FrmPrWeb FrmPrWeb.Show vbModal brt1: Exit Sub 1111: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brt1 End Sub Private Sub mnuwebYN_Click ( ) '-активизация/де активизация сетки Static webyes As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS01 webyes = webyes + 1 If webyes = 1 Then mnuwebYN.Checked = True: CmdWEB.Enabled = True mnuWBconf.Enabled = True Else webyes = 0 mnuwebYN.Checked = False: CmdWEB.Enabled = False mnuWBconf.Enabled = False End If brcout1: Exit Sub metERSS01: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout1 End Sub Private Sub nnOuzN_GotFocus (Index As Integer) nnOuzN(Index).SelStart = 0 nnOuzN(Index).SelLength = 3 End Sub Private Sub nnOuzN_KeyPress (Index As Integer, KeyAscii As Integer) Dim messege0 As Integer, zapMuzElin As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS1 If Optlinswyazi.Value = True Or Opt1.Value = True Then Exit Sub If KeyAscii = 13 Then If KeyAscii = 13 And nnOuzN(Index).Locked = True Then Exit Sub If Val(nnOuzN(Index).Text) = 0 Or Not IsNumeric(nnOuzN(Index)) Then messege0 = MsgBox("Данный параметр НЕ может содержать буквенные или нуле-вые значения ", vbCritical + vbOKOnly, " Ошибка пользовательского ввода !!! ") Exit Sub Else nnOuzN(Index).Text = Val(nnOuzN(Index).Text) nnOuzN(Index).BackColor = RGB(0, 250, 243) nnOuzN(Index).Locked = True: nnOuzN(Index).Locked = True '- код присвоения нового номера узлу < и в м линий > For zapMuzElin = 1 To kolvouzlov If MasKoLuZv(zapMuzElin, 1) = Index Then MasKoLuZv(zapMuzElin, 5) = Val(nnOuzN(Index).Text) End If Next zapMuzElin For zapMuzElin = 1 To kolvolin If mlinesSV(zapMuzElin, 1) > 0 Then If mlinesSV(zapMuzElin, 1) = Index Then mlinesSV(zapMuzElin, 8) = Val(nnOuzN(Index).Text) ElseIf mlinesSV(zapMuzElin, 2) = Index Then mlinesSV(zapMuzElin, 9) = Val(nnOuzN(Index).Text) End If End If Next zapMuzElin '-присвоение нового номера узлу<и в м линий> needFRsave = True testimonial = True End If Else If nnOuzN(Index).Locked = True Then messege0 = MsgBox("Вы хотите изменить номер выбранного узла : " _ & nnOuzN(Index).Text , vbQuestion + vbYesNo, " Изменение номера узла ") If messege0 = vbYes Then nnOuzN(Index).BackColor = vbGreen nnOuzN(Index).Locked = False Exit Sub End If End If End If brcout10: Exit Sub metERSS1: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout10 End Sub Private Sub Opt1_Click ( ) Opt1.Value = True If keeAB = False Then CmdFwd.Enabled = True End Sub Private Sub Opt1_GotFocus ( ) Opt1.DownPicture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Arrow_1.cur") If keeAB = False Then CmdFwd.Enabled = True Else CmdFwd.Enabled = False CmdWORKsch.Enabled = True CmdBk.Enabled = True End If End Sub Private Sub Opt1_LostFocus ( ) Opt1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Busy_m.cur") End Sub Private Sub Optlinswyazi_Click ( ) CmdFwd.Enabled = False CmdBk.Enabled = False Optlinswyazi.Value = True Opt1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Busy_m.cur") Picture1.MousePointer = vbArrow End Sub Private Sub Optuzel_Click ( ) CmdFwd.Enabled = False CmdBk.Enabled = False Optuzel.Value = True Opt1.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "\Busy_m.cur") Picture1.MousePointer = 2 End Sub Private Sub svjaziuz (idsuz1 As Integer, idsuz2 As Integer, MasKoLuZv, kolvouzlov) Dim nomuz As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS2 For nomuz = 1 To kolvouzlov If MasKoLuZv(nomuz, 1) > 0 And MasKoLuZv(nomuz, 1) = _ idsuz1 Or MasKoLuZv(nomuz, 1) = idsuz2 Then MasKoLuZv(nomuz, 4) = MasKoLuZv(nomuz, 4) + 1 End If Next nomuz brcout20: Exit Sub metERSS2: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout20 End Sub Private Sub Pct1_GotFocus(Index As Integer) Pct1(Index).MousePointer = vbArrow End Sub Private Sub testlSN (tochka1 As Integer, tochka2 As Integer, SVLT( ) As Single, _ zkk As Boolean) Dim mnl As Integer, msSVsp As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS3 FrmSSN.Enabled = False FrmSSN.MousePointer = 11 FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 11 For mnl = 1 To kolvolin If SVLT(mnl, 1) > 0 Then If SVLT(mnl, 1) = tochka1 And SVLT(mnl, 2) = tochka2 Or SVLT(mnl, 2) = _ tochka1 And SVLT(mnl, 1) = tochka2 Then msSVsp = MsgBox(" Выбранная вами пара узлов уже соединена ", _ vbInformation + vbOKOnly, " Ограничение ввода ") zkk = True FrmSSN.Enabled = True FrmSSN.MousePointer = 0 Exit Sub End If End If Next mnl zkk = False FrmSSN.Enabled = True FrmSSN.MousePointer = 0 FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 1 brcout30: Exit Sub metERSS3: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout30 End Sub Private Sub Pct1_MouseDown (Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _ x As Single, Y As Single) Static iduzla As Integer, i As Integer Dim nResult As Integer, niduzla As Integer Dim nPredeL1 As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS4 If Optlinswyazi.Value = True And Button <> vbRightButton Then If keeAB = True Then Exit Sub Pct1(Index).BackColor = vbBlack If znak = True Then x1 = Pct1(Index).Left + ((Pct1(Index).Width) / 2) y1 = Pct1(Index).Top + (Pct1(Index).Height / 2) iduzla = Index znak = False Else: If iduzla = Index Then Exit Sub x2 = Pct1(Index).Left + (Pct1(Index).Width / 2) y2 = Pct1(Index).Top + (Pct1(Index).Height / 2) nResult = MsgBox(" Соединить узлы ? ", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, _ " Соединение выбранных узлов !") If nResult = vbYes Then zamok = False Pct1(iduzla).BackColor = vbBlue: Pct1(Index).BackColor = vbBlue svjaziuz iduzla, Index, MasKoLuZv, kolvouzlov testlSN iduzla, Index, mlinesSV, zamok If zamok = True Then GoTo 2 kolvolin = kolvolin + 1 LblLN(1).Caption = Str(kolvolin) If kolvolin > 400 Then nPredeL1 = MsgBox(" количество линий = 400 ! ", vbOKOnly, _ " предел количества линий ") If nPredeL1 = vbOK Then GoTo 2 End If svayzy x1, x2, y1, y2, iduzla, Index, mlinesSV, kolvolin needFRsave = True change = True Picture1_GotFocus Else: 2: x1 = 0 x2 = 0 y1 = 0 y2 = 0 znak = True Pct1(iduzla).BackColor = vbBlue: Pct1(Index).BackColor = vbBlue End If End If ElseIf Button = vbRightButton And Optuzel.Value = True Then If keeAB = True Then Exit Sub Pct1_deluzel Index, Button, Shift, x, Y '- удаление узла и его линий Exit Sub End If brcout40: Exit Sub metERSS4: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout40 End Sub Private Sub Pct1_deluzel (Index As Integer, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, _ x As Single, Y As Single) Dim nResult As Integer, eraseslin As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer Dim o As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS5 Pct1(Index).BackColor = vbRed nResult = MsgBox(" Удалить узел ?", vbYesNo + vbExclamation, _ " Удаление выбранного узла ! ") If nResult = vbYes Then NeWorKorrkolUZ Index, kolvouzlov, x, Y, 0 '-коррекция числа узлов kolvouzlov = kolvouzlov - 1 LbluZ(1).Caption = Str(kolvouzlov) Unload nnOuzN(Index) Unload Pct1(Index) needFRsave = True change = True eraseslin = 0 '- удаление связанных с узлом линий If kolvolin > 0 Then FrmSSN.Frame1.Enabled = False FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 11 For i = 1 To kolvolin If mlinesSV(i, 1) = Index Or mlinesSV(i, 2) = Index Then mlinesSV(i, 1) = 0: mlinesSV(i, 2) = 0: mlinesSV(i, 3) = 0 mlinesSV(i, 4) = 0: mlinesSV(i, 5) = 0: mlinesSV(i, 6) = 0 mlinesSV(i, 7) = 0: mlinesSV(i, 8) = 0: mlinesSV(i, 9) = 0: mlinesSV(i, 10) = 0 eraseslin = eraseslin + 1 End If Next i FrmSSN.Frame1.Enabled = True FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 0 korrmlinesSV mlinesSV, kolvolin, eraseslin bJampWeb = True CmdWEB_Click bJampWeb = False End If Else: Pct1(Index).BackColor = vbBlue: End If brcout50: Exit Sub metERSS5: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout50 End Sub Private Sub korrmlinesSV (mlinesSV, kolvolin, eraseslin) Dim masslinesSV() As Single, fth As Integer Dim i As Integer, j As Integer FrmSSN.Frame1.Enabled = False FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 11 On Error GoTo metERSS6 ReDim Preserve masslinesSV((kolvolin - eraseslin), 10) fth = 0 For i = 1 To kolvolin If mlinesSV(i, 1) > 0 Then fth = fth + 1 If fth <= (kolvolin - eraseslin) Then For j = 1 To 10 masslinesSV(fth, j) = mlinesSV(i, j): mlinesSV(i, j) = 0 Next j End If End If Next i For i = 1 To (kolvolin - eraseslin) For j = 1 To 10 mlinesSV(i, j) = masslinesSV(i, j) masslinesSV(i, j) = 0 Next j Next i: kolvolin = kolvolin - eraseslin LblLN(1).Caption = Str(kolvolin) FrmSSN.Frame1.Enabled = True FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 1 brcout60: Exit Sub metERSS6: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout60 End Sub Private Sub Picture1_GotFocus ( ) If Optlinswyazi.Value = True And x1 <> 0 And y2 <> 0 And y1 <> 0 Or x2 <> 0 Then Picture1.DrawStyle = 6 Picture1.Line (x1, y1)-(x2, y2), vbBlue x1 = 0 x2 = 0 y1 = 0 y2 = 0 znak = True End If Picture1.DrawStyle = 6 End Sub Private Sub Picture1_MouseDown (Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, _ Y As Single) Dim i As Integer, txtid As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS7 Picture1.DrawStyle = 6 i = Pct1.UBound txtid = nnOuzN.UBound Pct1(i).MousePointer = vbArrow If Optuzel.Value = True And kolvouzlov <= 200 Then If keeAB = True Then Exit Sub If x < (Pct1(i).Width / 2) Or ((Picture1.Width) - x) < (Pct1(i).Width / 2) Or _ Y < (Pct1(i).Height / 2) Or ((Picture1.Height) - Y) < (Pct1(i).Height / 2) Then Exit Sub Load nnOuzN (txtid + 1) Load Pct1(i + 1) Pct1(i + 1).Move x - Pct1(i + 1).Width / 2, Y - Pct1(i + 1).Height / 2 Pct1(i + 1).Visible = True znak = True kolvouzlov = kolvouzlov + 1 NeWorKorrkolUZ 0, kolvouzlov, x, Y, i '- запись новых узлов LbluZ(1).Caption = Str(kolvouzlov) needFRsave = True change = True Else If Optlinswyazi.Value = True And Button = vbRightButton Then SVPprln mlinesSV, x, Y End If End If brcout70: Exit Sub metERSS7: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout70 End Sub Private Sub svjasiUZdel (numlinBRC As Integer, allUZsee As Integer) Dim UNz As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS8 FrmSSN.Frame1.Enabled = False FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 11 For UNz = 1 To allUZsee If MasKoLuZv(UNz, 1) > 0 Then If MasKoLuZv(UNz, 1) = mlinesSV(numlinBRC, 1) Or MasKoLuZv(UNz, 1) = _ mlinesSV(numlinBRC, 2) Then MasKoLuZv(UNz, 4) = MasKoLuZv(UNz, 4) - 1 End If End If Next UNz FrmSSN.Frame1.Enabled = True FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 1 brcout80: Exit Sub metERSS8: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout80 End Sub Private Sub SVPprln (mlinesSV, x, Y) Dim l As Integer, yyy As Double Dim xxx As Double, nSovpad As Integer Dim StrLinsV As Integer, DelAscK As Integer Dim flagsovp As Boolean, raznostimin() As Double Dim nuy As Integer, whatlin( ) As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS9 FrmSSN.Frame1.Enabled = False FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 11 nSovpad = 0 For l = 1 To kolvolin If mlinesSV(l, 3) >= mlinesSV(l, 5) And mlinesSV(l, 3) - mlinesSV(l, 5) <= 15 Then GoTo 73 If mlinesSV(l, 3) <= mlinesSV(l, 5) And mlinesSV(l, 5) - mlinesSV(l, 3) <= 15 Then 73:Select Case x Case Is >= mlinesSV(l, 3) If x - mlinesSV(l, 3) <= 17 Then GoTo 77 Case Is <= mlinesSV(l, 3) If mlinesSV(l, 3) - x <= 17 Then GoTo 77 Case Is >= mlinesSV(l, 5) If x - mlinesSV(l, 5) <= 17 Then GoTo 77 Case Is <= mlinesSV(l, 5) If mlinesSV(l, 5) - x <= 17 Then 77:StrLinsV = l FlinEd raznostimin, whatlin, x, Y, StrLinsV, mlinesSV, nSovpad, StrLinsV If StrLinsV <> 0 Then nSovpad = 1 GoTo 78 End If End If End Select Else If mlinesSV(l, 4) >= mlinesSV(l, 6) And mlinesSV(l, 4) - mlinesSV(l, 6) <= 15 Then GoTo 74 If mlinesSV(l, 4) <= mlinesSV(l, 6) And mlinesSV(l, 6) - mlinesSV(l, 4) <= 15 Then 74: Select Case Y Case Is >= mlinesSV(l, 4) If Y - mlinesSV(l, 4) <= 17 Then GoTo 77 Case Is <= mlinesSV(l, 4) If mlinesSV(l, 4) - Y <= 17 Then GoTo 77 Case Is >= mlinesSV(l, 6) If Y - mlinesSV(l, 6) <= 17 Then GoTo 77 Case Is <= mlinesSV(l, 6) If mlinesSV(l, 6) - Y <= 17 Then GoTo 77 End Select End If End If Next l For l = 1 To kolvolin If mlinesSV(l, 6) = mlinesSV(l, 4) Then mlinesSV(l, 6) = (mlinesSV(l, 6) + 2) If mlinesSV(l, 5) = mlinesSV(l, 3) Then mlinesSV(l, 5) = (mlinesSV(l, 5) + 2) yyy = ((Y - mlinesSV(l, 4)) / (mlinesSV(l, 6) - mlinesSV(l, 4))) xxx = ((x - mlinesSV(l, 3)) / (mlinesSV(l, 5) - mlinesSV(l, 3))) If xxx < 0 Then xxx = (xxx * (-1)) If yyy < 0 Then yyy = (yyy * (-1)) If xxx = 0 Or yyy = 0 Then GoTo 36 If yyy >= xxx And (yyy - xxx) < 0.554 Then 36: nuy = nuy + 1 ReDim Preserve raznostimin(nuy) raznostimin(nuy) = (yyy - xxx): GoTo 32 ElseIf yyy <= xxx And (xxx - yyy) < 0.554 Then nuy = nuy + 1 ReDim Preserve raznostimin(nuy) raznostimin(nuy) = (xxx - yyy) 32: nSovpad = nSovpad + 1: StrLinsV = l ReDim Preserve whatlin(1, nSovpad) whatlin(1, nSovpad) = l FlinEd raznostimin, whatlin, x, Y, StrLinsV, mlinesSV, nSovpad, StrLinsV End If yyy = 0: xxx = 0 Next l If nSovpad > 1 Then flagsovp = False lIniTiS whatlin, nSovpad, StrLinsV, raznostimin( ), flagsovp If flagsovp = True Then nSovpad = 1 End If 78: FrmSSN.Frame1.Enabled = True FrmSSN.Picture1.MousePointer = 1 If nSovpad = 1 And StrLinsV <> 0 Then mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 7) = 1 bJampWeb = True CmdWEB_Click bJampWeb = False If keeAB = True Then GoTo 179 DelAscK = MsgBox("Удалить линию ? ", vbExclamation + vbYesNo, _ " Удаление выбранной линии ") If DelAscK = vbYes Then bJampWeb = True svjasiUZdel StrLinsV, kolvouzlov mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 1) = 0: mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 2) = 0: mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 3) = 0 mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 4) = 0: mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 5) = 0: mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 6) = 0 mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 7) = 0: mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 8) = 0: mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 9) = 0 mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 10) = 0 korrmlinesSV mlinesSV, kolvolin, nSovpad needFRsave = True change = True CmdWEB_Click bJampWeb = False Else mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 7) = 0 176: bJampWeb = True CmdWEB_Click bJampWeb = False End If End If Exit Sub 179: Load FrmNwORsZ FrmNwORsZ.TxtOzN(0).Text = mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 10) FrmNwORsZ.TxtOzN(0).Locked = True FrmNwORsZ.Show vbModal If Len(FrmNwORsZ.TxtOzN(1).Text) <> 0 Then mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 10) = Val(FrmNwORsZ.TxtOzN(1).Text) Unload FrmNwORsZ mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 7) = 2 needFRsave = True testimonial = True GoTo 176 ElseIf mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 10) <> 0 Then mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 7) = 2 GoTo 176 Else mlinesSV(StrLinsV, 7) = 0 GoTo 176 End If brcout90: Exit Sub metERSS9: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout90 End Sub Private Sub NeWorKorrkolUZ (deliduz, kolvouzlov, x, Y, ci) Dim iuz As Integer, juz As Integer Dim UZkorR() As Integer, ff As Integer Dim kkk As Integer On Error GoTo metERSS10 If deletealluz = True And kolvouzlov > 0 Then FrmSSN.Enabled = False FrmSSN.MousePointer = 11 For iuz = 1 To kolvouzlov If MasKoLuZv(iuz, 1) <> 0 Then Unload nnOuzN(MasKoLuZv(iuz, 1)) Unload Pct1(MasKoLuZv(iuz, 1)) End If For juz = 1 To 5 MasKoLuZv(iuz, juz) = 0 Next juz Next iuz kolvouzlov = 0 Else FrmSSN.Enabled = True FrmSSN.MousePointer = 0 If deliduz = 0 Then For iuz = 1 To kolvouzlov If MasKoLuZv(iuz, 1) = 0 Then MasKoLuZv(iuz, 1) = ci + 1: MasKoLuZv(iuz, 2) = x MasKoLuZv(iuz, 3) = Y: MasKoLuZv(iuz, 4) = 0 MasKoLuZv(iuz, 5) = 0 End If Next iuz Else FrmSSN.Enabled = False FrmSSN.MousePointer = 11 If kolvouzlov = 1 Then kkk = kolvouzlov Else kkk = kolvouzlov - 1 ReDim Preserve UZkorR(kkk, 5) For iuz = 1 To kolvouzlov If deliduz = MasKoLuZv(iuz, 1) Then MasKoLuZv(iuz, 1) = 0: MasKoLuZv(iuz, 2) = 0: MasKoLuZv(iuz, 3) = 0 MasKoLuZv(iuz, 4) = 0: MasKoLuZv(iuz, 5) = 0 End If Next iuz For iuz = 1 To kolvouzlov If MasKoLuZv(iuz, 1) <> 0 Then ff = ff + 1 For juz = 1 To 5 UZkorR(ff, juz) = MasKoLuZv(iuz, juz): MasKoLuZv(iuz, juz) = 0 Next juz End If Next iuz For iuz = 1 To kolvouzlov - 1 For juz = 1 To 5 MasKoLuZv(iuz, juz) = UZkorR(iuz, juz) Next juz: Next iuz End If End If FrmSSN.Enabled = True FrmSSN.MousePointer = 0 brcout100: Exit Sub metERSS10: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout100 End Sub Private Sub lIniTiS (whatlin, nSovpad, StrLinsV, raznostimin() As Double, _ sovp As Boolean) Dim ar As Integer, perehod As Boolean Dim vib As Integer, arda As Integer Dim prraznmin(1) As Double, wtlpr() As Integer ReDim Preserve wtlpr(1, nSovpad) On Error GoTo metERSS11 For arda = 1 To nSovpad '- 1 For ar = 1 To nSovpad - 1 If raznostimin(ar) = 0 And raznostimin(ar + 1) > 0 Then raznostimin(ar) = raznostimin(ar + 1): raznostimin(ar + 1) = 0 whatlin(1, ar) = whatlin(1, ar + 1): whatlin(1, ar + 1) = 0 ElseIf raznostimin(ar) > raznostimin(ar + 1) And raznostimin(ar + 1) <> 0 Then prraznmin(1) = raznostimin(ar): wtlpr(1, ar) = whatlin(1, ar) raznostimin(ar) = raznostimin(ar + 1): whatlin(1, ar) = whatlin(1, ar + 1) raznostimin(ar + 1) = prraznmin(1): whatlin(1, ar + 1) = wtlpr(1, ar) End If Next ar Next arda ar = 0: arda = 0 For ar = 1 To nSovpad If raznostimin(ar) > 0 Then StrLinsV = whatlin(1, ar): whatlin(1, ar) = 0 sovp = True Exit For End If Next ar ar = 0 brcout110: Exit Sub metERSS11: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout110 End Sub Private Sub FlinEd (rzn( ) As Double, wlinw( ) As Integer, x, Y, StrLV, mlSV, _ SVPD As Integer, StrLinsV) On Error GoTo metERSS12 If mlSV(StrLV, 3) < x And x > mlSV(StrLV, 5) Then GoTo 977 If mlSV(StrLV, 3) > x And x < mlSV(StrLV, 5) Then GoTo 977 If mlSV(StrLV, 4) < Y And Y > mlSV(StrLV, 6) Then GoTo 977 If mlSV(StrLV, 4) > Y And Y < mlSV(StrLV, 6) Then 977: If SVPD <> 0 Then rzn(SVPD) = 0 StrLinsV = 0 Else If mlSV(StrLV, 3) = x And x <> mlSV(StrLV, 5) Then Select Case x Case Is > mlSV(StrLV, 5) If x - mlSV(StrLV, 5) > 17 Then GoTo 977 Case Is < mlSV(StrLV, 5) If mlSV(StrLV, 5) - x > 17 Then GoTo 977 End Select End If If mlSV(StrLV, 3) <> x And x = mlSV(StrLV, 5) Then Select Case x Case Is > mlSV(StrLV, 3) If x - mlSV(StrLV, 3) > 17 Then GoTo 977 Case Is < mlSV(StrLV, 3) If mlSV(StrLV, 3) - x > 17 Then GoTo 977 End Select End If If mlSV(StrLV, 4) = Y And Y <> mlSV(StrLV, 6) Then Select Case Y Case Is > mlSV(StrLV, 6) If Y - mlSV(StrLV, 6) > 17 Then GoTo 977 Case Is < mlSV(StrLV, 6) If mlSV(StrLV, 6) - Y > 17 Then GoTo 977 End Select End If If mlSV(StrLV, 4) <> Y And Y = mlSV(StrLV, 6) Then Select Case Y Case Is > mlSV(StrLV, 4) If Y - mlSV(StrLV, 4) > 17 Then GoTo 977 Case Is < mlSV(StrLV, 4) If mlSV(StrLV, 4) - Y > 17 Then GoTo 977 End Select End If End If brcout120: Exit Sub metERSS12: MsgBox "Error № " & Err.Number & " " & " (" & Err.Description & ") occured.", vbCritical, "Error" GoTo brcout120 End Sub Public Sub numUZmu (LN As Integer, MKUN As Integer, a12 As Integer, na1, na2) Dim t As Integer Dim td As Integer For td = 1 To a12 For t = 1 To MKUN If MasKoLuZv(t, 1) = mlinesSV(LN, td) Then If td = 1 Then na1 = t Exit For ElseIf td = 2 Then na2 = t Exit For End If End If Next t Next td End Sub Public Property Get UvmLN (LNmSV As Integer) As Single UvmLN = mlinesSV(LNmSV, 10) End Property Public Property Get webchS (NWMW As Integer) As Single Select Case NWMW Case Is = 1 webchS = shwebx Case Is = 2 webchS = shweby End Select End Property Вторая часть Dim flagnext As Boolean, flaghehe As Boolean Private Sub CmdNOWer_Click ( ) Unload frmBrWk End Sub Private Sub CmdOKWer_Click ( ) Dim msg As Integer If frmBrWk.FramNsInf.Caption = "Расчет" Then Exit Sub If TextMNI.Locked = True Then Exit Sub If Val(TextMNI.Text) = 0 Or Not IsNumeric(TextMNI) Then msg = MsgBox("Данный параметр НЕ может содержать буквенные или _ нулевые значения " & vbCrLf & _ " Значением параметра может быть только целое число !!! " _ , vbCritical + vbOKOnly, " Ошибка пользовательского ввода !!! ")
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